Publications & Presentations
Cornelia publishes her research in a number of journals and books, and presents her research at national and international conferences, such as conferences of DGPuK (German Association for Communication), European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), International Communication Association (ICA), and International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).
Some recent publications (selection)
Wallner, Cornelia (2022): Does the media system explain individual media use and media effects? Findings from a systematizing literature review.
Krämer, Benjamin & Müller, Philipp (Ed.): Questions of Communicative Change and Continuity. In Memory of Wolfram Peiser. Baden-Baden, Nomos. S. 223-244.
In this article, I explore the evidence about connections between the media system as explanatory macro-level for media use and media effects on an individual, micro-level. Addressing this context from a comparative, media system-related perspective, N=42 papers were analyzed in a comprehensive literature review. Core results show that systematic connections exist between structural differences of media systems and patterns of individual media use and media effects. More findings are available for newspapers and television than for the internet and social media. Empirical evidence is given for media system-related differences in political knowledge, and the degree of political parallelism in media systems matters for political participation. Overall, the studies show that the media system as a context matters for explaining individual media use and effects. Perspectives for future research are derived from the current state of research.
Request publication
The Normativity of Communication Research: A Content Analysis of Normative Claims in Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (1970–2014).
Geise, S., Klinger, U., Magin, M., Müller, K. F., Nitsch. C., Riesmeyer, C. Rothenberger, L., Schumann, A., Sehl, A., Wallner, C., & Zillich, A. F. (2022).
Kritik an, in und durch Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. SCM Studies in Communication and Media Special Issue 2021. 10(2).
Editor of a Special Issue of the ICA-affiliated Journal SCM, together with Peter Gentzel, Sigrid Kannengießer, and Jeffrey Wimmer.
(Mis)Understanding Political Participation: Digital Practices, New Forms of Participation and the Renewal of Democracy. Routledge. 2018.
Editor together with Jeffrey Wimmer, Rainer Winter and Karoline Oelsner.
Analyzing the Existence and Relation of Optimistic Bias and First-Person Perception for an Impersonal Environmental Change. International Journal of Communication 11(2017), 1466-1485.
Rogers, Rebecca M./Wallner, C./Goodwin, Bernhard/Heitland, Werner/Weisser, Wolfgang W./Brosius, Hans-Bernd (2017):